Why Partner With TaxPro Firm?

Earn an extra $20,000+ a tax season by offering a tax solution to your clients.

It's Profitable

Earn in excess of $150 per tax return in about 15 minutes. Many businesses earn $20,000+ a tax season per location!

Stay focused on your core business and earn additional revenue.

It's Quick

Show your customer how big their refund is in under 2-minutes with our Quick Refund Estimator. Then complete their tax return in less than 15-minutes, which allows you to stay focused on your core business.

Don't let your competitors file your clients tax returns

It's Simple

The focus is on simple tax returns. Almost 95% of the population files a simple tax return each year.

Increase Your Bottom Line with Tax Preparation Made Easy

It's Complete

TaxPro Firm provides an innovative, turn-key tax operation model for existing businesses throughout America. Software, Training, and Support... It's all included.

About Us

TaxPro Firm is uniquely experienced and successful in working with businesses with multiple locations.

Our executives have years of experience in the tax industry, originating in 1991. TaxPro Firm executives consist of multiple CPA’s, EA’s and industry veterans. Our executives also have extensive industry experience in the consumer finance industry.

Resources Provided

Online Tax Software

No software to install or update, all you need is an internet connection.

Online Tax & Software Training

Video-based training system which combines tax instruction with software integration.


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